Now the world is in a slow down
Brakes slammed hard upon the go-round
The whole “look what I got” show down
Ugly rich-get-richer hoedown,
We all knew it couldn’t go on,
The restless drive to make the heart pound
To count the days as lost or won—
We’ve been heading for a come down
Flying blind into the sundown
Of a place unknown.
So let’s not eulogize the go-round
Let’s not hurry back to death town
Taking leaps before we look down.
Now the masters put their whips down
We’ve got time to turn our heads round
Take a breath and hear the world sound
Set our feet upon the soft ground;
We’ve parked the car, let’s take to foot now
Let the planet take a breath now;
And rearrange our lives how
To live with less, and therefore more.
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