About Mark Belfry

Mark Belfry is the author of The Suncaster, Book One and The Somewhere Sun, Book 2 in the Reefsong Series.

Poem: I Need to Speak

I Need to SpeakI need to speakI was born at this time for a reasonI need to seek-speak true-truthFrom the gospel of brotherhoodFrom the inspiration of internal silenceTo whisper through the resonant corridors of social mediaTo say false and know it, and learn,To be me in his new dimensionOf being/non-being where we are thoughtAs we [...]

By |May 17th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Pandemic Poem: The Go Round Slow Down

Now the world is in a slow down Brakes slammed hard upon the go-round The whole “look what I got” show down Ugly rich-get-richer hoedown, We all knew it couldn’t go on, The restless drive to make the heart pound  To count the days as lost or won— We’ve been heading for a come down [...]

By |May 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Land of Shift 2

“Hold still!” But he couldn’t hold still, whatever she said. The kaleidoscope was turning around him and because he couldn’t tell what was near or far he was twisting and spinning and ducking as it all spun past.  He was like, moving his thumbs on a controller, or maybe it was his hips—he didn’t know [...]

By |April 23rd, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Story for Quarantine: The Land of Shift (1)

This story is written for children in quarantine, and it takes precedence on this site because, hey, isolation from COVID-19 takes precedence over everything today (begun April 5, 2020). Hope you enjoy it: 1. There it was again, the sound-cracking at the edge of sleep, the voices in twelve-year-old Kayle’s head as he began his [...]

By |April 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments